What are the office hours and location?

Our office is situated at 7661 McLaughlin Rd #334, Falcon Colorado 80831.

We are open Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:30pm, except on holidays.  Facility and access hours are specific to each location. 

How do I rent?

You can rent conveniently online or give us a call and our customer service team will help every step of the way!

Are locks provided?

While we do not provide a lock, you may use whatever lock you wish. We recommend a disk lock for your security! 

Do I have to sign a Long Term Lease?

Our standard lease is month-to-month.

When is rent due?

Rent is due on the first day of every month.

How do I make payments?

Autopay is the most reliable and convenient way to make your storage payment, as long as your credit card or bank information is up to date. 

Other than autopay, you can make your payment online 24/7 or give us a call. 

What is prohibited from storage?

Do not store food or other perishable items which could decay or attract insects or rodents.  Also, do not store flammable or toxic items in your unit including paints and solvents. Any illegal items or living creatures are also prohibited.  A more extensive list can be found in your lease. 

Does the unit have electricity or lights?

None of our units have lights or electricity inside of them.

What’s the best way to pack up boxes and containers to place into storage?

Fill containers to capacity. Partially full or bulging cartons may tip or collapse. Heavy items like books or tools should be packed in small boxes so they are easy to lift. Protect your fragile goods with packing (i.e. , bubble wrap) and place them near the top of your storage space. Label boxes. Take home a list of your labeled boxes for easy reference when you need to locate your goods.

Is there any particular way to arrange my things in my storage space?

Pack the storage space carefully. Leave air space around the perimeter to aid ventilation.  Leave a walkway to the rear of your space for easy access. Use all the space available, including the height, and place frequently used goods near the door.

Do I need to give notice when I move out?

Yes. We require seven days' notice when you vacate your unit to ensure there are no additional charges. On the day of your move out, please remove your lock and make sure your unit is broom clean and you have cleaned up any oil spots or spills in the unit. 

After you have your unit cleaned out, email us at 619storageco@gmail.com with a picture of your clean and empty unit.

Please include your facility name and your unit number in the subject line.